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Friday, October 30, 2015

If John Wesley and his friends had Twitter

@jwesleyonhishorse      I hate TULIPS.   #freegrace

              I                     @gwhitefield  I’d rather have a TULIP than lose  my way.   #assuranceofsalvation  

@jwesleyonhishorse   I wonder what Grace thinks #shelovesmeshelovesmenot

@cwesleyhymns             It just wasn’t meant to be @mrsbennet  #Shouldhavemovedfaster

@jwesleyonhishorse   I thought she loved me.

@mrsbennet             the ceremony was already planned @cwesleyhymns

@cwesleyhymns       I told you she wasn’t good enough for you #remindsmeofsophy

@gwhitefield             You both could learn to preach #Ifillthosepewsyoudon’t

@jwesleyonhishorse    I married @MollyV today. We should be so happy #hopeforthefuture

@MollyV                   @jwesleyonhishorse better quit texting @annbolton

@jwesleyonhishorse   @MollyV you can’t make me #nanananbooboo

@MollyV                     @jwesleyonhishorse I told you to come home and quit visiting all those women #ifyoudontIllputspywareonyourmacbook

@jwesleyonhishorse    you wouldn’t dare

@MollyV         Watch me #Dontmesswithamadwoman 

@cwesleyhymns      Hark the Herald angels sing let us all get along @MollyV

@MollyV                     shut up @CWesleyhymns or I’ll call @SarahGwynne

@GWhitefield                        Let’s all go out into the field and preach #stopmessingaround

@jwesleyonhishorse             ouch @MollyV pulled my hair  #weneedamarriagecounselorwhoisnotmybrother

@SarahGwynne        There is a reason I told @cwesleyhymns to stop the itinerancy

@MollyV         If @cwesleyhymns can stop traveling than so can @jwesleyonhishorse

@jwesleyonhishorse       There are reasons one would rather sleep with one’s head on a rock than in one’s bed  #Istickwiththeitineracy

@MrsBennet     Obviously I chose the right one @MrBennet #anearmiss

@cwesleyhymns     Last night there were so many preachers in the preaching house at @methodistmeetinghousebristol that we broke the floor and landed on a pile of tobacco

@jwesleyonhishorse       Must be time to build a New Room. #maybeitwillstoppeoplefromthrowingstones

@MollyV                     Are you sure it was all preachers in that room and not women? #IdontrustyouasfarasIcanthrowyou

@jwesleyonhishorse [blocks] @MollyV

@cwesleyhymns       It’s God’s wrath on us for dissenting #weshouldremainloyaltothemotherchurch

@jwesleyonhishorse    Don’t get your knickers in a wad @cwesleyhymns

[Wesley scholars, please excuse the anachronisms)

 Kelly Yates (yes it's original, but feel free to share)