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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Easter 3C John 21 Peter's Failure (again)

Yes, you've seen this Scripture before. That's because I preach it often. Mostly to remind myself what Jesus does with failure. Tonight I preached at City Rescue Mission, a homeless shelter.
Instead of preaching Doubting Thomas I preached Betraying Peter. Peter failed his best friend when he needed him the most.

Tonight I stood before a group of about 3o men who live in the homeless shelter and preached this message. I felt completely unworthy to speak...and completely filled with the Spirit. I have no question of God leading me to this place and this time. I am called to preach.

Last night I dreamed a dream I often dream before preaching. Something goes wrong and I can't. Usually it has something to do with me losing my notes (I preach without notes) or something stupid like that. Last night I dreamed I went to preach at a church and suddenly the people decided I could not preach for them and they would not tell me why. They politely asked me to sit in the back while they did some poor excuse for a sunday school lesson. In the dream I figured out they would not let me preach because I am a woman. I got mad and left.

Tonight I preached at a rescue mission. No one seemed to care I was a woman. I sang a few simple songs with my guitar and believe it or not I got my first encore!

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