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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent 2 C Luke 3:1-6 Malachi 3:1-4 Psalm 126 Prepare!

I am not prepared for this Christmas season. In times past I have had all shopping done by Thanksgiving. The tree doesn't go up in our house until the first of December. But here it sits. Assembled, but empty. The house is not clean enough to decorate. The family has worked on it but it't still not 'prepared'. And somewhere in the basement is the advent calendar that should have been unearthed by tonight to read the appropriate scriptures tonight before bed.

Why? Because here I sit with bronchitis. Not the first time. I get it every fall/winter. Last year it hit on Christmas Eve. Nice ER visit. Allergy testing showed a pine allergy. So the tree is artificial this year. But still I cough. Preparations are at a halt. Because I am the Mom. The dad put up the tree, he will even string lights. But the mom leads the decorating. The dad will put up the outside lights but they sit in a container under the tree ornaments.

The mom does most of the shopping and social planning too. The mom must get better quick because she is also a professor and it is the last week before finals.

But when my children came home from church with plans to visit a sick friend next Sunday and asked me to help make gifts I thought.... They ARE prepared. They are prepared to be and giving and compassionate. Decorations and shopping may delay but Generosity will not. Because the One who Is to Come Brings A Heart changed that know no delays.

I welcome comments. I do moderate them, but please feel free to converse about the text.

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